Friday 12 November 2010

Poor little Loedertje

My cat is growing up. So much so that something needed to be fixed.... She went to the vet on Wednesday to be spayed. The poor little thing. Luckily the vet is just as crazy about her as I am. That meant cuddles before and after the operation for Loedertje. She was very groggy still for the rest of Wednesday. Trying to jump onto her favourite places.....and missing by a mile. We really had to keep an eye on her.

Down for the count
After visiting the litter box and eating (yes indeed after all she had had nothing to eat all day, terrible!) she finally settled on my legs. We were warned about her licking her stitches and given some tips on how to prevent that. So we found a onesy to put on her and remodelled that.

 I cut the legs (she kept tripping herself up) and added a strip of fabric to keep everything in place. The fabric is tied at her back. Unfortunately she should be renamed Houdini. I kept finding the thing everywhere. Ah well, it was worth the try.

I have tried to take a picture with the cat actually in the onesy, but that proved impossible. She is doing great though. She takes her medication without any fuss at all. In fact, she just takes the tablets from my hand and eats them! Apparently it pays to have a cat that is addicted to food!

It is Friday now and she has been trying to play a bit. That was not a huge success, she is still a bit sore. Next Friday the stitches will come out and hopefully she will be back to normal!

More tomorrow,

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